General Tutoring

General Tutoring

The Writing Center's primary service is to provide general writing feedback and tutoring to a wide range of students. General tutoring appointments are intended to provide students with general comments on structure, organization, cohesion, and other high-order concerns and have the greatest range of availability, meaning students can often meet with a general tutor without having to make appointments in advance.


All walk-ins fall under the Writing Center's General Tutoring umbrella. Walk-ins are available so long as the Writing Center's tutors do not already have appointments scheduled. Just like General Tutoring appointments, walk-in appointments last approximately thirty minutes and cover higher-order writing concerns, such as thesis statements, organization, and cohesion.

General Appointments

General Appointments can be scheduled with any of the Writing Center's tutors and cover higher-order writing concerns, such as thesis statements, organization, and cohesion. General Appointments generally last approximately thirty minutes and address the majority of students' writing needs. General Appointments are perfect for students simply looking for a quick overview of their writing.