Departmental Tutoring

Departmental Tutoring

The Writing Center provides Departmental Tutoring to upper-division students who may have questions regarding a specific field's conventions or styles. Additionally, Departmental Tutoring allows students to meet with tutors who have the same major. Consequently, departmental tutors are especially qualified to provide feedback on students' content and ideas.

ESL Appointments

Through the Writing Center's Departmental Tutoring program, ESL students can meet with a specific ESL writing tutor who is well-versed in core English grammar principles and has built a rapport with the ESL department's students and instructors. A single, specialized ESL tutor allows ESL students to meet with a tutor who knows them individually, along with their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Media Studies Appointments

Appointments made with the Writing Center's media studies departmental tutor allow students to meet with a tutor who is familiar with UT's media studies' instructors and assignments. Additionally, Media Studies Appointments allow students to review AP style and formatting.

Psychology Appointments

Psychology Appointments allow students to review APA formatting while meeting with an upper-division psychology student who's familiar with UT's psychology department's instructors and assignments. Psychology Appointments also offer students the opportunity to refine their writing while simultaneously reviewing content.

History Appointments

History Appointments are catered for history majors who need feedback on Chicago (CMS) style, as well as with upper-division content. The Writing Center's history tutor specializes in various essay and analysis styles and is also an upper-division history major.